Hypnotherapy for birth trauma When should I start hypnobirthing? Birth anxiety, and Tokophobia, are they real? Should I be concerned? 17 pregnancy symptoms you shouldn't ignore 10 ways to get the most out of your hypnobirthing preparation Antenatal anxiety - How to reduce it in 3 easy steps Knowledge is power when it comes to reducing anxiety in labour 10 most common myths about hypnobirthing Hypnobirthing, does it work? How do I choose a childbirth education class?
Most likely from the TV or movies. A birth scene on a fictional drama it’s likely to be traumatic, loud, scary, and involve some kind of emergency and a lot of screaming.
Often depictions are based around the idea that birth involves immense suffering, being out of control and lots of blood. But in reality what I see every working day as a midwife, doesn’t make for good entertainment. It’s often not loud, it’s not dramatic, and it’s not over in 10 minutes. Many of the births that I have witnessed have been calm, gentle, joyful, powerful and rewarding.
Unfortunately as a society we don’t get to see this, and sadly women who can report incredible birth experiences are sometimes seen as being an exception to the rule or just lucky. And something I am hearing more as each year passes is the perception that the celebration of such a momentous event is in some way deemed to be casting judgement over other women for not being able to achieve a natural un-medicated birth.
Hypnotherapy for birth trauma
When should I start hypnobirthing?
Birth anxiety, and Tokophobia, are they real?
Should I be concerned? 17 pregnancy symptoms you shouldn't ignore
10 ways to get the most out of your hypnobirthing preparation
Antenatal anxiety - How to reduce it in 3 easy steps
Knowledge is power when it comes to reducing anxiety in labour
10 most common myths about hypnobirthing
Hypnobirthing, does it work?
How do I choose a childbirth education class?
I have over 20 years experience as a midwife in the UK and Australia, working in both private and public hospitals. I have helped thousands of women in every scenario, from homebirths and water-births, births with complex issues, intervention, and caesarean births.
I am passionate about supporting women and families to be as relaxed and confident as they can be, whatever the circumstances. I have spent 20 years working in the Birth Centre and for the past few years have been an educator as part of the Child Birth Education Team. This means I am up to date with current research, policies and procedures when it comes to all things birth related.
In addition, I am a government accredited Clinical Hypnotherapist, with an Honours degree in Psychology. In my private practice I specialise in treating anxiety, trauma, fertility issues, pain management and phobias, as well as hypnobirthing techniques.
Bringing together these sets of skills, knowledge, and experience I can guide and prepare you to have the positive birth experience that you desire.
Next live course in Williamstown Melbourne starts Saturday Apr 5